--> “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams”
YAY!! the boyfriend/fiance is finally here. I went to Mccarran Airport today to surprise him. he didn't have any idea that i was picking him up at the airport. well! it's pretty awesome to see the love of your life after 5months of being away. ohh. yeah! the cons of being in the military. well, we had dinner at some italian restaurant. <333
YAY!! the boyfriend/fiance is finally here. I went to Mccarran Airport today to surprise him. he didn't have any idea that i was picking him up at the airport. well! it's pretty awesome to see the love of your life after 5months of being away. ohh. yeah! the cons of being in the military. well, we had dinner at some italian restaurant. <333